期刊名称:International Journal of Engineering Research
摘要:Nano technolog y i s pl aying an increasingl y imp orta nt role in the develo pment o f biosensors. The sensitivi ty and p erformance o f bio sensors i s being improved by using na nomateri als for t heir const ructi on. The use of these na nomaterials has allo wed the intro duct ion of many new sig nal transduction technolo gies in b iosensors. Because of t heir submicro n d imensions, na nosensors,na noprobes and other na no systems have allowed simpl e and rap id a nalyses i n vivo . Po rtable instruments capa ble of anal yzing multipl e components are beco ming available. This work reviews the stat us o f the various nanostructure-b ased bio sensors. Use of the self-assemb ly techniques and nano-el ectro mechani cal syst ems (NEMS) in bi osensors is di scussed.
关键词:Biosensors; Nanotechnol og y; N ano materi als ; ; Nanostructure; N ano -el ectro mechani cal s ystems (NEMS) ; ; Self-ass embl y ; .