其他摘要:In the period from August 2009 to July 2011 research on harvestmen communities was carried out in traditionally used vineyard landscape in Svätý Jur area in the Malé Karpaty Mts. This model area represents landscape with occurrence of historical structures of agricultural landscape (HSAL), that create a species rich of unique islands that are result of long term mutual relationship between man and the landscape. The HSAL are inhabited by various animal taxonomical groups including also the harvestmen (Opiliones). The harvestmen individuals were captured by pitfall traps method. In total, 386 specimens belonging to 13 harvestmen species and to 3 families were obtained during two-year research. Majority of obtained harvestmen species are typical ones for fragmented thermophilic microhabitats of the vineyard landscape in Slovakia, namely eudominant species Lacinius horridus (dominance = 28.2 %), Phalangium opilio (24 %), Opilio saxatilis (13.7 %) and Nelima semproni (11.4 %). On the other hand, the hygrophilous species Mitostoma chysomelas, Trogulus nepaeformis and Trogulus tricarinatus have been also obtained, but only with sporadic occurrence.
其他关键词:biodiver sity; v ineyard landscape; harvestmen; Opiliones; S lovakia.