其他摘要:The research of hirudofauna of the Hron and Rimava River basins was aimed at the structure of leech communities, individual quantity and distribution of species in longitudinal gradient of river basin profile. Samples were collected seasonally at 58 sites in the Hron River basin and at 43 sites in the Rimava River basin. Totally, we recorded 11 leech species in both studied river basins (Hron River basin – 9 species, Rimava River basin – 8 species). Based on ANOSIM and DA we identified four significant different leech communities in the Hron River basin and three significant different leech communities in the Rimava River basin. We determined the vertical and longitudinal distribution of leech species in main channel of selected river basins. Erpobdella vilnensis was the most common species in the epirhithral and metarhithral zone, Erpobdella octoculata was the most common species in hyporhithral and Erpobdella nigricollis in the epipotamal zone.