期刊名称:Index of Texas Archaeology: Open Access Gray Literature from the Lone Star State
出版社:Stephen F. Austin State University
摘要:From May 2004 through the summer of 2008 and on behalf of the Environmental Affairs Division (ENV) of the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), SWCA Environmental Consultants (SWCA) undertook extensive archaeological investigations and analyses on the Gatlin site, 41KR621, located on the Guadalupe River, Kerr County, Texas. Work at the site was necessitated by the planned 1.15-mile extension of Spur 98 from its current limits to cross the Guadalupe River and terminate at FM 1338. As the project included both state and federal funding, TxDOT was required to comply with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act, the implementing regulations of 36CFR Part 800, and the Texas Antiquities Code. In the case of 41KR621, since the archaeological site was determined eligible for listing under Criterion D and since impacts could not be avoided, a plan to mitigate the project effects was developed. The subsequent work in the form of data recovery is the primary basis of this report. SWCA initially conducted the survey and site testing investigations along the Spur 98 corridor in May 2004. TxDOT then contracted SWCA to conduct the data recovery excavations under THC Antiquities Permit 3532. Data recovery excavations at 41KR621 spanned September through November 2004 and included the re-excavation of several backhoe trenches from the testing phase, excavation of new control trenches, removal of overburden in two areas of the site, and hand excavating roughly 145 m3 of the site in broad horizontal exposures. Combined, the testing and data recovery work resulting in the recovery of 37 burned rock features (including a buried burned rock midden), close to 50,000 pieces of debitage, 409 projectile points, 1,085 bifaces, 343 cores, over 400 flaked and non-chipped tools, and a modest amount of ecofacts. The investigations documented four cultural occupations. The earliest of the Gatlin site’s components, Occupation Zone (OZ) 1, contained Gower points and dates from approximately 6,800 B.P. to possibly as late as 6,000 B.P., falling within the Early Archaic. OZ2, a younger and more extensive Early Archaic occupation with mainly Gower and Martindale points, covers the period of ca. 6,100–4,500 B.P. The third zone, OZ3, a more compressed transitional phase between the Early to Middle Archaic dominated by Early Triangular diagnostic artifacts, is a component that produced dates of ca. 4,500–3,850 B.P. The youngest occupation, OZ4, which contained a burned rock midden but proved to be an admixture of broad temporal and cultural components,