Basketball is constantly booming with China’s material and cultural levels development. And basketball reserve personnel quantity and quality stand for a nation basketball level. On the current all countries basketball levels rapidly development situation in the world, cultivation of basketball reserve personnel has become an indispensible condition to be in an invincible position in intense basketball. The paper makes specific analysis of present youth basketball players’ status, and trainers’ training work experience, performances in the games, gets present youth basketball reserve personnel cultivation existing problems, and provides corresponding opinions for the problems. Utilize mathematics analytic hierarchy process method, establish youth basketball reserve personnel training mode AHP model, by comparing mode of combination of sports and education, backup talent base model, youth club training mode weights, it gets mode that is most suitable for training China’s youth basketball reserve personnel. By analysis, it gets conclusion that all trainer, training field, training equipment, educational investment and else have certain impacts on China’s youth basketball reserve personnel training mode, mode of combination of sports and education has the largest weight, is the most suitable mode for youth reserve personnel cultivation.