摘要:B.lgeler aras. geli.mi.lik farkl.l.klar.n.n azalt.lmas. hem geli.mi. hem de geli.mekte olan ülkelerde .nemli bir poli- tika hedefidir. Sanayile.menin mekana yay.l.m.n.n dengesiz oldu.u geli.mekte olan ülkelerde turizm hem ulusal eko- nomiler hem de b.lgeler i.in .nemli bir ekonomik faaliyet olabilmektedir. Bu ba.lamda turizm b.lgesel kalk.nma h e- defi i.in .nemli bir ara. haline gelebilmektedir. Sahip old u- .u zengin turizm potansiyeli, Türkiye'de turizme dayal. ye- rel ve b.lgesel kalk.nma i.in imkanlar sunmaktad.r. Bu . a- l..mada, turizm ve b.lgesel kalk.nma aras.ndaki ili.ki teorik olarak incelenecek ve Do.u Karadeniz b.lgesindeki illerde turizmin b.lgesel kalk.nmaya olan etkisi analiz edilecektir
其他摘要:Decreasing the differences in development levels among regions is an important policy objective in both de- veloped and developing countries. Tourism can be an im- portant economic activity for national and regional econo- mies of developing nations where distribution of industrial activities over the space is imbalanced. In this context, tourism may become an important tool for the target of re- gional development. Turkey's rich tourism potential offers possibilities for tourism-based local and regional develop- ment. In this study, a theoretical investigation of the rela- tionship between tourism and regional development will be made and the effects of tourism on regional development in the provinces of Eastern Black Sea region will be ana- lyzed
关键词:Tourism; local development; regional develop- ; ment; Eastern Black Sea provinces
其他关键词:Tourism; local development; regional develop- ; ment; Eastern Black Sea provinces