摘要:etak: Ovaj rad ima za cilj da ukaže na znacaj tržišnih kretanja u svetu nakon proglašenja finansijske krize. U prvom redu, akcenat je stavljen na analizu ulaganja u tržište zlata, odnosno na važnost razumevanja uticaja faktora na rast cene zlata. U tom smislu nastoji se dati odgovor zašto postoji snažna turbulencija na tržištu zlata, u smislu rasta cena, kao i zašto investitori preferiraju ulaganja u sigurnu imovinu. Pored toga, u radu su predstavljena odredena trendovska kretanja na tržištu zlata, u smislu povecanja zlatnih rezervi, odnosno promene u sastavu portfolija deviznih rezervi vecine zemalja. Posebno se dovodi u korelaciju proces rasta trgovanja zlatom sa stanjem na tržištu hartija od vrednosti i deviznom tržištu, a što trenutno karakteriše stanje svetske ekonomije koja prolazi kroz ekonomsku recesiju.
其他摘要:Summary: This paper aims at indicating the importance of market trends in the world after declaration of financial crisis. First of all, the accent has been put on the analysis of investments in gold market, with reference to the importance of understanding the influence of factors on the growth of gold prices. In these terms efforts are being made to answer why there is strong turbulence in gold market, in terms of rising prices, and why investors prefer investing in safe assets. In addition to that, specific trendy movements in gold market have been presented as increase in gold reserves, or in other words changes in composition of portfolios of foreign reserves in most countries.