摘要:Almost ten years have passed since the reform of higher education in the Republic of Serbia, conducted underthe banner of the Bologna process. This paper gives a critical insight into some aspects of changes whichresulted in the economization of higher education in the Republic of Serbia, such as the establishment ofprivate universities, ranking and market competition among higher education institutions, the managementof universities and faculties in accordance with managerial principles, the issue of the ways of promotingprofessors to higher positions and the like. The idea to write a paper providing a criticism of some aspectsof the economization of higher education is not new. In the last couple of years, a great number of journalsand books have been published in the country, the region and abroad, in which authors tried to provide acritical insight into the current state of education in the context of the changes of educational paradigms. Thesubject of this paper is the economization of higher education in the Republic of Serbia and the analysis ofthe consequences that occurred in this field due to the spreading of the principles of neoliberal ideology. Thefinal part of the paper emphasizes the fact that university professors need to have a critical attitude towardswhat educational policy has to offer. Through their intellectual work, a resolute and critical constructiveanalysis of what an educational policy has to offer, they need to stand up for universities as the drivingforces of the highest academic education.
关键词:education; higher education; university; economization of education