期刊名称:International Journal of Electronics, Communication and Soft Computing Science and Engineering
摘要:ID3 algorithm is a standard, popular, and simplemethod for data classification and decision tree creation. Sinceprivacy-preserving data mining should be taken intoconsideration, several secure multiprotocols have been presented based on this technique. Manytimes the system get vulnerable to new attacks. This paper isthe implementation of proposed model described in [1].Wehave implemented a model to embed primitive intelligence inthe network intrusion detection systems using C# . This modelis based on Quinlain's ID3 algorithm of decision treeconstruction and inductive learning. This model detectsunknown attacks with the help of optimized decision tree fromavailable set of data also follow predefined rdecision making for system Administrator. The communicationoverhead has been kept reasonably low to make the wholeprotocol efficient and practical