期刊名称:International Journal of Electronics, Communication and Soft Computing Science and Engineering
摘要:MANET is infrastructure less network and the routingprotocol in MANET is not designed specifically with dynamic,self-starting behavior required for wireless networks. Each andevery node in MANET acts as a forward and receiver node.Performance of most of the protocols is not encouraging in ahighly dynamic interconnection topology. In this paper, a reliablebroadcast approach for MANET is proposed, which improves thetransmission rate. The MANET is considered with asymmetriccharacteristics, where the source and forwarding nodes havedifferent properties. In addition, there exists a nonnode, which is a downstream node and never forwards a packet.The status of each node is dynamically changes and thus thetopology of the network also dynamic. In this work, the number ofredundant transmission is minimized by creating less number offorwarding nodes. The forwarded packet is considered asacknowledgements and the non-forwarding nodes explicitly sendthe acknowledgements to the source.