期刊名称:International Journal of Electronics, Communication and Soft Computing Science and Engineering
摘要:Software Engineering is an approachsoftware that attempts to treat it as a formal process more liketraditional engineering than the craft that many programmersbelieve it is. In proposed methodology Extended Iterativemodel used. In extended Iterative - Agile model first step is tofinalise the requirement, architecture and design. Developmentphase begins as soon as requirements design and architecture iscompleted. Development phase follows agile method. Scrummasters ensures smooth development as per requirement andaccommodates new changes, since architecture & design isalready in place a scalable architecture allows new changes to beaccommodated. This model reduces risk of changing architecturetime to time. It increases the productivity and optimizes therequirement of resources. If there is any concern in developmentphase then it is attended by Team Lead and addressed with thehelp of Project Manager in case of higher complexity. Thisinvolves removing any impediments to progress, facilitatingmeetings, and doing things like working with the product ownerto make sure the product backlog is in good shape and ready forthe next sprint