期刊名称:International Journal of Electronics, Communication and Soft Computing Science and Engineering
摘要:Scheduling algorithm is a hot research topic oftime system. The quality of real-time scheduling algorithm has adirect impact on real-time system's throughput capacity,response time, even on tasks' scheduling result in requireddeadline. In this work; study of the some technologies i.e. EDF,ACO, Adaptive Process Scheduling, Priority-Based schedulingand Hierarchical Real-Time Scheduling Framework is carriedout and it is used for scheduling of process in real timeenvironment. These methods have been analysed with theiraccuracy, efficiency, success ratio of scheduling but has somelimitations. So a new framework by combining above methodscan be proposed. The proposed method provides better successratio in scheduling real time processes to other existing methods
关键词:Real-time system; scheduling algorithms; EDF;Adaptive Process Scheduling