期刊名称:International Journal of Electronics, Communication and Soft Computing Science and Engineering
摘要:SQL/XML has gained increasing interest wheneverrelational data has to be transformed to XML data, which istransferred, stored, or further processed insystems. The performance of query processing in a relationalXML storage system is closely related to the query translationtechnique employed in the query mapping stage. For efficientlyquerying XML documents, many indexing methods have beeproposed. In this paper ,study and analysis of four approachesregarding XML/SQL query translation are focused like querytranslation using intelligent path deviation ,query translationusing interval encoding ,query evaluation using double indexesand generalizing and improving SQL/XML queryEach method have its own advantage and drawbacks.survey these methods and propose an efficient twice indexingwith caching which provides further modification to thesemethods and provides efficient query processing technique