期刊名称:International Journal of Electronics, Communication and Soft Computing Science and Engineering
摘要:Cloud computing is a technology that uses the internetand central remote servers to maintain data and applications.Cloud computing allows consumers and businesses to useapplications without installation and access their personal files atany computer with internet access. This technology allows formuch more efficient computing by centralizing storage, memory,processing and bandwidth. Perhaps the biggest concerns aboutcloud computing are security and privacy. There are manysearchable encryption technique which were implemented in thecloud, these technique supports only exact keyword search notsimilarity. This paper reviews efficient Searchableencryption, Wildcard –Based Technique, GramTechnique, Symbol – Based Trie – traverse Search Scheme.analyzing these techniques, has arisen some drawbacks, so wehave proposed multiuser fuzzy keyword search over cloudcomputing approach. This proposed method, concentratessolving the problems of the user who search the dhelp of fuzzy keyword on cloud and support multiuserenvironment.