期刊名称:International Journal of Electronics, Communication and Soft Computing Science and Engineering
摘要:The nodes are required to regularly update the positioninformation of their immediate neighbors in order to makeforwarding decisions effective. One popular method to do so is toregularly broadcast beacon packets. However this method is notattractive from both update cost and routing performance point ofview. We propose the Adaptive Position Update (APU) strategywhich works on the frequency of position updates and theforwarding patterns of the nodes. Two simple principles : i) A nodewhich is a regular updater of its node position provide difficulty inpredicting it’s movement ii) Those node which are nearest toforwarding paths are the regular updater of their positions.Our theoretical analysis, which is validated by NS2 simulations of awell-known geographic routing protocol, Greedy PerimeterStateless Routing Protocol (GPSR),shows that APU can significantlyreduce the update cost and improve the routing performance interms of packet delivery ratio and average end-to-end delay incomparison with periodic beaconing and other recently proposedupdating schemes. The benefits of APU are further confirmed byundertaking evaluations in realistic network scenarios, whichaccount for localization error, realistic radio propagation, andsparse network
关键词:Adaptive Position Update ; Greedy Perimeter;Stateless Routing Protocol; Mobility Prediction; On Demand;Learnin