期刊名称:International Journal of Electronics, Communication and Soft Computing Science and Engineering
期号:Special 1
摘要:Color dropout refer as dropping out of color formbackgrounds from images of completed forms to Obtain colorform dropout images retaining only the respondent information.Color dropout is performed by associating darker noncolors with information that is entered in the form a needs to bepreserved. At least one non-dropout color is selected andtransformed to RGB or a Luminance-Chrominance space. Colordropout process includes scanning of image, conversioor a Luminance-Chrominance space, distance calculation,dropout threshold detection, finally storing converted black andwhite image. Processing may be performed in RGB or aLuminance-Chrominance space, such as YCbCr. Color dropout isobtained by converting pixels that have color within the tolerancesphere of the non-dropout colors to black and all others to whitein RGB or a Luminance-Chrominance space. This approachneeds an ideal FPGA platform which lends itself to high speedhardware implementation with low memory requirements. This isdone using VHDL coding. The color space conversion from RGBto YCbCr is to be done by matrix transformation multiplicationformula and the dropout filter implementation is similar in bothcases. Color dropout processing result may be either display orview in RGB or YCbCr space
关键词:Color dropout; Color space conversion;FPGA;MATLAB; Threshold detection; VHDL