期刊名称:International Journal of Electronics, Communication and Soft Computing Science and Engineering
期号:Special 1
摘要:The DC-AC converter, also known as the inverter,converts DC (Direct Current) power to AC (Alternating Current)power at desired output voltage and frequency. The invertertherefore is an adjustable-frequency voltage source.aims to design a FPGA implement Neuro-Fuzzy based 1wave voltage source inverter using Pulse Width Modulation(PWM) switching scheme to supply AC utilities with emergencypower. A model of the voltage source Inverter usMOSFETs and a driver circuit is designed; then to increase itsperformance, a fuzzy controller (FC) which its parameters areadjusted by a basis neural network (NN) function. The VHDL(VHSIC Hardware Description Language) code for the systemwas written and behavioral simulation was performed on thearchitecture whose results were seen in ModelSim software. Afterverifying the results this VHDL code was downloaded toALTERA FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array)andsynthesized using Quartus II software. After downloading thecode in FPGA real time debugging was done for the architecture.The focus is on designing an inexpensive, versatile and powerefficient square wave inverter that gives a square wave ACoutput.