期刊名称:International Journal of Electronics, Communication and Soft Computing Science and Engineering
期号:Special 1
摘要:The standard techniques for providing privacy andsecurity in information networks include encryption/decryption ofRSA algorithmic rule. RSA is one in every of the safest normalalgorithms, supported public-key, for providing security innetworks. it's wide used for secure information transmission. theprotection of RSA depends on the process issue of factorisationmassive integers. As computing power will increase andadditional economical factorisation algorithms square measurediscovered, the flexibility to issue larger and bigger numbers alsowill increase. The performance of most crypto systems isprimarily determined by Associate in Nursing economicalimplementation of arithmetic operations. The RSA algorithmicrule entails a standard operation operation on massive integers,that is significantly long to implement. The implementation ofRSA encryption/decryption algorithmic rule mistreatment thealgorithmic rule of Ancient Indian religious text arithmetic thatare changed to enhance performance. RSA electronic equipmentenforced mistreatment religious text multiplication is economicalin terms of space, speed compared to its implementation usingstandard multiplication.