期刊名称:International Journal of Electronics, Communication and Soft Computing Science and Engineering
期号:Special 3
摘要:Attribute based encryption determines encryption ability based on a user's attributes. In a mult i - authority ABE Scheme , multiple attribute - authorities monitor different sets of attributes and issue corresponding decryption keys to user and encryptor can require that a user obtain keys for appropriate attributes from each authority before decrypting a message. Personal Health Record (PHR) is maintained in the centralized server to maintain the patient's information. The patient records should be maintained with high privacy and security. The security schemes are used to protect the personal data from public access. This paper proposes a novel patient - centric framework and a suite of data access mechanisms to control PHRs stored in semi - trusted servers. To achieve fine - grained and scalable d ata access control for PHRs, an Attribute Based Encryption (ABE ) techniques to encrypt each patient's PHR file. Multiple data owners can access the same data values. The proposed scheme could be extended to Multi Authority Attribute Based Encryption (MA - ABE) for multiple authority based access control mechanism
关键词:Personal Health Records; Cloud Computing; Data ; Privacy; Fine ; - ; grained access control; Multi ; - ; authority Attribute ; Based Encryption