期刊名称:Economic Review : Journal of Economics and Business
出版社:University of Tuzla
摘要:The purpose of this study is to examine the influence of six broad categories of hedonic shoppingmotivations(adventure,gratification, role, value, social, and idea shopping) and fashion consciousness on consumers’ impulse buyingbehavior.Theonline questionnairewas created using LimeSurvey, a webbased ques tionnaire generator tool. An online question naire was directed to a sample of 500 individuals in Bosnia and Herzegovina, using nonprobability convenience sampling method. A total of 224 participants completed the questionnaire, which corresponds to the response rate of 44.8 percent. The survey instrument used in this study was designed usingscalesthatwerealreadyvalidatedinthe previous research. The results indicated that impulse buying behavior was significantly related to adventure, gratification, value and idea shopping motivations. Nevertheless, role shopping, social shopping and fashion consciousness were found not significantly related to impulse buying behavior. The findingsofthisstudycanhelpretailerstogain a useful insight into the shoppingmotivations that trigger impulse buying behavior. A focus on adventure, entertainment, excitement and sales may be an effective retailing strategy to stimulate impulse buying behavior. There are some of limitations in this study worthy of improvement and leads for future studies. A morerandomsamplingmethod,samplingfrom different geographic locations and replication of this study in the context of other product categories are necessary to ensure reliable generalizability.