The purpose of this scientific endeavour is to identify the possible relationships between the dimensions of national culture and intellectual capital. As such, we have directed our research towards making an analysis at the level of EU countries, on six dimensions of the national culture based on Geert Hofstede’s approach, as well as towards the analysis of the performance of the three dimensions of intellectual capital, namely: structural, human and relational capital. We also aimed at conducting a comparative analysis of the national culture and intellectual capital between Romania and Slovenia. To meet the purpose of the paper we used the following research techniques: investigating secondary data, content analysis, as well as statistical methods for data analysis and interpretation of results. For our research resources we also considered chief models and methodologies of national culture and intellectual capital, publications and reports of international organisations. The main results of the research highlight the influence of national culture on intellectual capital. We demonstrated that some dimensions of national culture, such as Individualism versus collectivism and Indulgence versus restraint positively influence intellectual capital, while other dimensions, namely Distance versus power and Uncertainty avoidance negatively influence intellectual capital.