期刊名称:Studia Universitatis Moldaviae: Stiinte Exacte si Economice
出版社:Moldova State University
摘要:Basel III reprezint. o revizuire fundamental. a cadrului de reglementare .i supraveghere a industriei bancare pe viitor, obiectivul fiind consolidarea stabilit..ii sistemului financiar. .n acest articol ne-am propus scopul de a analiza impactul introducerii Basel III asupra sistemului bancar la nivel european .i, respectiv, asupra sistemului bancar din Republica Moldova. Normele Basel III au fost elaborate ca r.spuns la criza financiar. din 2008 .i sunt considerate vitale pentru asigurarea capitaliz.rii institu.iilor financiare .mpotriva viitoarelor .ocuri financiare. Noile standarde sunt direc.ionate spre perfec.ionarea managementului riscurilor, cre.terea cerin.elor de transparen.. .i publicare din partea institu.iilor de credit, precum .i spre rezolvarea problemelor b.ncilor de importan.. sistemic.. M.surile pe care institu.iile de credit le-ar putea adopta .n vederea atenu.rii impactului alinierii la noile standarde sunt ajustarea modelului de business .i restructu - rarea bilan.urilor bancare
其他摘要:Basel III represents a basic revision of the banking industry regulatory and supervisory framework for the future, the objective being the stability consolidation of the financial system. The objective of this article is to analyze the impact of the Basel III implementation upon the banking system at the European level, and respectively, upon the banking system of the Republic of Moldova. Basel III standards have been elaborated as a response of the 2008 financial crisis and are considered as vital for the assurance of financial institution capitalization against future financial shocks. The new standards have as an object the improvement of risk management, increased requirements of transparency and publication of credit institutions, as well as solving the banks problems of systemical importance. The measures that the credit institutions could adopt in order to mitigate the impact of alignment to the new standards are adjusting the business model and restructuring bank balance sheets
关键词:securitate financiar.; criz. financiar.; sistem bancar; Comitetul Basel pentru Supravegherea Ban - ; car.; cerin.e pruden.iale; managementul riscurilor; risc de credit; risc de pia..; risc opera.ional; risc de lichiditate; ; ratinguri interne etc