We had a 16-month-old male presented for a surgery for degloving injury of left lower extremity. He had no considerable past or family history. High fever and increased end-tidal CO2 with tachycardia was revealed after induction of general anesthesia with thiopental sodium, vecuronium, isoflurane-N2O and O2. Arterial blood gas analysis showed a severe mixed acidosis. Under the suspicion of malignant hyperthermia, all anesthetics were discontinued. Anesthesia was maintained with fentanyl and midazolam. The patient was managed with surface cooling, gastric lavage with cold saline, sodium bicarbonate and diuretics. Dantrolene sodium 50 mg was administered. The patient survived without any sequelae and discharged after 9 days. The etiologic factors, incidence, clinical features, prevention and treatments of malignant hyperthermia are discussed.