The laryngeal mask airway (LMA) is new method for maintaining the airway and has many advantages such as easy insertion without muscle relaxant, decreasing cardiovascular change, decreasing damage of pharynx and larynx and useful in difficult intubation. It has being increasingly used in the management of difficult airway problems, but has not been widely used in tracheal surgery. A 59 year old woman with tracheal stenosis due to tracheal tumor was admitted for tracheal reconstruction. The stenotic lesion was 5 cm above the carina and the length of the stenotic segment was 2 cm. Anesthetic management should be focus on maintenance of the airway and adequate ventilation with the number 3 sized LMA during the tracheal resection. The tracheal segmental resection and primary end-to-end anastomosis were performed without serious hypoxia and hypercarbia. We discuss the advantages and limitations of the LMA in tracheal surgery.