摘要:Local history regarding history of ordinary people was given attention after the Second World War. Through local history, life and position of ordinary people in the past such as fisherman, re-tired teachers, farmers, merchants etc were investigated. Although local history is a research method in history, it is also a teaching approach in education activities. Local history provides many ad-vantages in teaching activities some of which are as follows: bring-ing history to present day, teaching history in a simple way and teaching history in an active way. The purpose of this paper is to in-troduce the life, personality and books of Hasan Umur. With this in mind, first of all, the importance of local history is explained. Sec-ondly, information about Hasan Umur will be given. cialis coupons 2015 go coupons for prescription medications cephalexin pill click valtrex 0.5g