期刊名称:The International Journal of Indian Psychology
出版社:REDSHINE Publication
摘要:The aim of the present research was to study spiritual well-being and depression among middle aged people. 100 middle aged persons were taken for the present study. The tools used were Spiritual wellbeing Scale (Paloutzian & Ellison, 1982), Beck Depression Inventory-III (Beck, Steer and Brown, 1996). The result revealed that out of 100 middle aged people, 79% showed average level, and 21% showed high level of spiritual well being. Also it was found that out of the total sample 68% fall in the minimal level of depression, 16% fall in the mild level, 10% fall in the moderate level of depression and the remaining 6% of the sample fall in the severe level of depression. Further, results of the study revealed significant negative correlations of spiritual well being with depression among middle aged people. Furthermore results did not reveal any significant differences for spiritual well-being and depression among middle aged people as far as their gender is concerned.