首页    期刊浏览 2024年06月01日 星期六


  • 标题:Problems of The Establishment of Worship Houses in Pati, Central Java
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  • 期刊名称:Analisa Journal of Social and Religion
  • 印刷版ISSN:1410-4350
  • 电子版ISSN:2443-3853
  • 出版年度:2015
  • 卷号:Vol 22 (2)
  • 期号:6078
  • 页码:187-199
  • 语种:Indonesian
  • 出版社:Office of Religious Research and Development Ministry of Religious Affairs
  • 摘要:This research aimed to know the problems of stablishment of worship houses in Pati Central Java. This research used a qualitative approach. Meanwhile, data was ollected through interview, observation, and review of the document. This research was expected to give information and theoretical materials for the people, especially for those who work on the policy on the establishment of houses of worship. The results showed that during the establishment of worship places, there were some clash between a formal regulation and a social regulation. This is because of the differences in interpreting certain decrees of the legislation. Meanwhile, some establishment of worship houses run smoothly because they used a good individual. On the other hand, the establishment of worship houses sometimes faced some resistance from the surrounding community, but the government did not issue a fix decision whether it was accepted or rejected. Thus, the development of houses of worhship was classified into three categories namely; the establishment of house of worship that had some problems and it was resolved, the establishment of house of worship without any problems, the establishment of house of worship that had some problems and it has not been resolved. Keywords: Houses of worship, formal regulation, social conflict