摘要:Objective: To determine the correlation between the prediction of difficult intubation as measured by modified Mallampati index (Ma), thyromental distance (DT) and mouth opening (AB) in patients with a fractured jaw and / or mandibular trauma management requiring anesthesia general endotracheal intubation. Methods: prospective study with a sample 61 patients filled out a medical history is where information was collected as diagnosis, age,sex, values of the predictive index, prediction based indices, type of intubation, difficult intubation and percentage of agreement. The data were processed by machine tabulation using a spreadsheet program Excel. Results: We showed poor agreement between predicted real rate and intubation achieved, yielding 32.8% for predicting difficult intubation, as to the difficulty of intubation during the procedure found that 83.6% was achieved without difficulty, 16.4% had moderate difficulty and 100% of cases intubation was achieved. Conclusion: None of these classifications and predictive indexes individually offers a 100% certainty and presence of maxillofacial trauma in adult patients undergoing surgery with endotracheal intubation did not limit the commitment of the air, as in predicting difficult intubation. Keywords: endotracheal intubation, indexes, maxillofacial trauma.