出版社:geodynamics Research International Bulletin Online
摘要:In this study, we developed three estimators to optimally combine seismic and gravimetric models of Moho surface. The first estimator combines them by their special harmonic coefficients; the second one uses the spherical harmonic coefficients of the seismic model and use integral formula for the gravimetric one. The kernel of the integral terms of this estimator shows that a cap size of 20◦ is required for the integration, but since this integral is presented to combine the low frequencies of the gravimetric model, a low resolution model is enough for the integration. The third estimator uses the gravity anomaly and converts its low frequencies to those of the gravimetric Moho model, meanwhile combining them with those of seismic one. This integral requires an integration domain of 30◦ for the gravity anomalies but since the maximum degree of this kernel is limited to a specific degree, the use of its spectral form is recommended. The kernel of the integral involving the gravity anomalies, developed for recovering high frequencies of Moho, is written in a closed-from formula and its singularity is investigated. This kernel is well-behaving and decreases fast, meaning that it is suitable for recovering the high frequencies of the Moho surface