期刊名称:Spirituality of a Personality: Methodology, Theory and Practice
出版社:Publishing House of the Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University
摘要:The 20th century has shown many leadership approaches and practices starting with trait approaches, behavioural approaches, and contingency approaches. Later on, certain leadership concepts took over instead of traditional leadership approaches such as collectivistic leadership, values leadership, spiritual leadership and integral leadership. As the world is no longer healthy in relation to ecology, economy, politics and also relationships, new forms of leadership are called for in many different areas of life and organizations, be it a profit, not-for-profit or governmental. The focus of this paper is to present a new approach to leadership that includes the spiritual understanding of individuals themselves, and then employees, groups and organizations around them as interdependent wholes. Key Words: Leadership, Leadership approaches, Diversity, Diverse Cultures, Integral Leadership, Spiritual Leadership, Whole-Soul Model for Leadership