期刊名称:International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology
出版社:Seventh Sense Research Group
摘要:The degree of automation, abstraction for the user (service provider) and customization of the rules governing the service vary. Some systems offer users the chance of building rather simple conditions based on fixed infrastructure/platform metrics (e.g. CPU, memory, etc.), while others employ serverlevel metrics (e.g. cost to benefit ratio) and allow for more complex conditions (e.g. arithmetic and logic combinations of simple rules) to be included in the rules. Scalability of resources as per the requirement is said to be one of the major advantages brought by the cloud paradigm and, more specifically, the one that makes it different to an “advanced outsourcing” solutions. However, there are some important pending issues before making the dynamic resource scaling for applications come true. In this paper, the most notable initiatives towards whole application scalability in cloud environments are presented. We present relevant efforts at the edge of state of the art technology, providing an encompassing overview of the trends they each follow. We also highlight pending challenges that will likely be addressed in new research efforts and present an ideal scalable cloud system.