期刊名称:Studia Universitatis Moldaviae: Stiinte Sociale
出版社:Moldova State University
摘要:Prezentul studiu are ca subiect de abordare sistemul de comunicare .tiin.ific. .n Republica Moldova. Este prezentat. metodologia .i rezultatele unui studiu explorator, realizat .n 23 de universit..i, institu.ii .tiin.ifice .i academice. Studiul .nsumeaz. rezultatele cercet.rii sociologice efectuate .n perioada decembrie 2010 - iulie 2012, cu privire la: atitudini .i opinii ale cadrelor universitare .i ale cercet.torilor privind sistemul de comunicare .tiin.ific. .n Republica Moldova, frecven.a comunic.rii .ntre diferi.i parteneri sociali .n domeniul .tiin.ei , utilizarea diferitelor mijloace de comunicare .tiin.ific., avantajele .i dezavantajele revistelor .tiin.ifice, rolul revistelor .i al arhivelor cu acces deschis .n calitate de mijloace noi de comunicare .tiin.ifice etc
其他摘要:There is brought forward a study upon the issues of scholarly communicatio n system in the Republic of Moldova. It presents the methodology and the results of an exploratory study made in 23 universities, scientific and academic institutions. There are submitted the results from the sociological research carried out during the period December 2010 - July 2012 upon: attitudes and opinions of the university and research staff regarding the scientific communication system in Moldova, the frequency of co mmunication between the different social partners on science, the use of various means o f scholarly communication, the advantages and disadvantages of scientific journals, the role of open access journals and open access archives as a new means of scientific communication etc
关键词:comunicare .tiin.ific.; acces deschis; mijloace de comunicare .tiin.ific.; reviste cu acces deschis; ; arhive institu.ionale cu acces deschis
其他关键词:scientific communication; open access; means of scientific communication; open access journals; open ; access repositories