期刊名称:Studia Universitatis Moldaviae: Stiinte Sociale
出版社:Moldova State University
摘要:Cantitatea apei pe planet. este estimat. la 1,338 mld km 3 , din care doar 2,57% este ap. dulce. .ns., din apele dulci lichide doar 3% se estimeaz. ca fiind prelevabile pentru consumul uman, cantitate foarte mic., .inandu-se cont de cre.te- rea continu. a consumului de ap. .n ultimele decenii. De exemplu, consumul global de apa s-a triplat din 1950 pan. .n 1990, iar .n perioada a. 1990-1995 acesta a crescut de .ase ori. Problemele ce vizeaz. cantitatea .i calitatea apei sunt legate de distribuirea ei inegal. pe glob, reducerea cantit..ii de ap. potabil., poluarea .n cre.tere cu substan. e organice, compu.i ai azotului, metale etc. Rezultatele scontate pot fi atinse doar prin responsabilizarea tuturor cet..enilor Republicii Moldova. Acest studiu vine s. argumenteze importan.a examin.rii calit..ii apei, stabilirii unor cauze de poluare, s. implice popula.ia .n activit.. i de prevenire .i reducere a polu.rii
其他摘要:The quantity of water on the planet is estimated at 1,338 million km 3 of which only 2,57% is freshwater. But from liquid freshwater, only 3% is expected to be taken for human consumption, which, in fact, is in growing. For example, global water consumption has tripled from 1950 to 1990 and in the period of 1990-1995 years it increased six times. Problems related to water quantity and quality are related to its uneven distribution around the globe, by reducing the amount of potable water, increasing pollution with organic substances, nitrogen compounds, heavy metals, etc. Water quality can be improved only by empowering all citizens in the Republic of Moldova, by motivating them to get involved in all activities to protect waters in the territory. This study comes to argue the importance of examining water quality, listing the causes of pollution, involvement in all activities to prevent and reduce pollution