标题:FURDUI Mircea, DINCĂ Constantin (2013). Fişe de lucru. Geografie clasele IX-XII [Worksheets. Geography, 9th-12th Grades]. Sibiu: Editura Techno Media
摘要:The Techno Media Publishing Houseof Sibiu has recently released thebook Worksheets. Geography, 9th-12th Grades, written by MirceaFurdui, teacher at ”George Barițiu”Economical College and president ofthe Romanian Geographical Society– Sibiu Branch, and by ConstantinDincă, teacher at “Onisifor Ghibu”High School, as well as GeographyInspector at the County Inspectorateof Sibiu. The two authors are notbeginners in the field of publishingsuch pedagogical approaches, sincethey have gained consistentprevious experience by havingembarked on publishing articles andpapers in scientific journals or incollective volumes such as: "Geosib"(vol. I-IV, 2009-2012). MirceaFurdui also published at TechnoMedia: Teste de evaluare. Geografie– clasele IX – XII [Evaluation Tests.Geography - 9th-12th Grades] (2012); Portofoliul profesorului de geografie[The Geography Teacher’s Portfolio] (2009); Evaluarea procesului deînvăţare şi a rezultatelor elevilor la geografie [Evaluation of the LearningProcess and of the Students’ Results in Geography] (2008).