摘要:This paper refers to the effect of different types of pots on the level of growth and development of the pepper seedlings in order to clarify the influences caused by use of different recipes transplanters pots. Different biocomposites from renewable resources biodegradable nutritive support were studied. Seedlings were grown in 4 variants of pots M1 (V1), M2 (V2), M3 (V3) and jiffy- pots (V4). The height of the aerial part varied from 14.5 (V1) to 17.4 cm (V4), whereas the root length varied from 5.4 (V1) to 12.6 cm (V4). The number of leaves ranged from 7 (V2) to 12 (V4). The total volume was lowest for V 2 (1.5 cm 3 ) and highest for V4 (2.5 cm 3 ), but the root volume was lowest for V2 (0.5 cm 3 ) and highest for V1 (1 cm 3 ). V 2 also resulted in the smallest total seedling mass (1.6 g) aerial part mass (1.1 g) and root mass (0.5 g). Excepting the root volume V4 had the greatest values for the studied indicators