摘要:The purpose of our research is to investigate the effectiveness of three types of psychological interventions in both the prevention (Study 1) and treatment (Study 2) of tobacco addiction. Both studies implied a pragmatic parallel-group research design, participants being randomly allocated in one of the three arms of the study in an unblinded manner. The first study consists of 62 occasional, adolescent smokers who were selected according to the criteria proposed and tested in The Framingham Study (Gordon et al., 1975). They were randomly allocated to receive either: (a) an informative intervention; (b) an action and coping planning intervention; (c) an intervention that combined the two aforementioned types in tobacco smoking cessation or (d) a passive control group. Our second study was conducted on a sample of 62 participants who were addicted to cigarette smoking (according to Gordon et al., 1975 and to the DSM IV-R criteria – APA, 2000) between the ages of 23-25 and was aimed at assessing the effectiveness of the same three inter ventions in tobacco smoking cessation versus a control group. Our findings revealed that the combined inter vention was the most efficient longitudinally in both prevention and treatment of nicotine addiction when compared to a control group and to the other two types of intervention. The results are discussed in the light of their contribution to the prevention and treatment of tobacco addiction