期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:Large amount of data can be stored in the cloud for longer period of time along with the security. In thecloud many users may have their data which is highly confidential. Even though user data may be secured by accountnumbers, passwords, notes, pin numbers and other important information, there may be chance of using or misusing ofdata by a miscreant. To maintain the good consistency & precision the cloud service providers (CSPs) replicates thedata geographically without the authorized users permission. Self-vanishing data is mainly aims to protecting the usersprivacy of data or users secured data. User specified time interval to vanish the data whenever he does not requiredhis data to be stored in the cloud, then all the data and their copies become vanished without any user intermediate & itbecomes unreadable. In addition to this, the decryption key is also vanished after the user specified time interval. Sothere will be no longer data has been stored in cloud only if user not required his data to be stored in the cloud. Thispaper is using cryptographic techniques and storage framework to solve above challenges.
关键词:Cloud Computing; Self-Vanishing Data; Storage Framework; Privacy Of Data; DHT