期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:The proliferation of mobile handheld devices has made them a viable medium for carrying out a widerange of business activities in areas such as education, agricultural, healthy and security. In the area of security, onemajor problem hindering crime detection and reporting is lack of efficient communication platform between the policeand the general public. Mobile technologies using mobile devices is proving to be a more effective implementation forcrime detection and monitoring. In this study, we are proposing a crime reporting and management model using GSMand GIS technologies in order to mitigate the challenges faced by most developing countries in reducing the crimerates. We began by a baseline study that was carried out to ascertain how citizens report crime to the police. This wasfollowed by a study that looked at how the Police receive and manage crime information. Based on the baseline study,we then designed a Public Crime Reporting and management System that integrates GMS and GIS Technologies.In our baseline study, the results showed that 68% of the citizens walk to the police station, 30% made phone calls andless than 1% used Short Message Service (SMS), Internet or social media platforms to report crime. In crime reportsmanagement, our results showed an absence of an electronic capturing/recording system by the police with 98% of thepolice stations using a physical log book to record crimes. Using the results from the baseline study, a mobile crimereporting and management system model was developed. Using this model, we developed the prototype which showedimproved results in terms crime reporting by the public using mobile devices and improved management of reports dueto automation of crime reporting and monitoring.
关键词:Crime Reporting and Monitoring ;Mobile Application; Geographical Position System;(GPS);Geographical Information System (GIS); Global System for Mobile communication (GSM).