期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:Dis persive so ils which occur in man y parts o f the world are easily e rodible and deflo ccu lated in water causin g serious pro blems of stability o f earth and earth retain ing s tructures .Eart h dams const ructed on disp ersiv e so ils h ave s uffered intern al an d su rface eros ion. The eros ion features su ch as rill and gully ma rks, chan nels, internal cavities and tunnels with in the s oil mass have been observed in natu ral s lopes of d ispersive soils. Th e failure of slopes due to d ispersion of clay p artic les b y seepage wat er along cracks, fissures an d roo t ho les are in itiated by eros ion o f soi l. Th us th e failu re in it iated by p iping ma kes t he emban kmen ts constructed on dispersiv e soil sus ceptible. The mechanis m of d ispersivity of soils is reaso nably well un ders tood. However there is no s ingle met hod to id entify th e dispers ive soil t here fore in ab sence of prop er diag no stic criteria it is difficu lt to differen tiate between d isp ersiv e s oil and o rdin ary erodible s oils. Th e available tes t method s fo r dis pers ive s oils are Cru mb Test, Pinho le test,SCS d ouble hyd rometer and chemical analy sis o f po re water ext ract. Th is p aper deals with t he b est p ossib le evaluation of test metho ds for confir ming and characterizin g th e dispers ive s oils. The role of surface chemistry resp ons ible for d ispersivit y is furth er un ders tood with the h elp of So diu m abs orpt ion ratio ( SA R) and miner alog ical examination w ith X-ray differact o met er ( XRD). The rationale o f usin g th e method s and correlation b etween th e dis pers ivity determin ed b y various meth ods has been explained .
关键词:Dispers ive soil; Collo idal eros ion; Deflo ccu lation ; Dis pers ivity tests