摘要:In this study, school organizational identity and description of trust on school according to teachers’views and the effect of organizational identity on perception of trust on school are examined. The study group of thisstudy consists of 35 primary schools dependent of Ministry of Education in Sivas. Statistical process is realizedthrough 296 scales that returned and are available for process. In the analysis of research data, descriptive statisticalmethods are benefited. In the analysis of data, SPSS (Statistical Packet for Social Studies) 17 is used. Averages,standard deviation, the highest and the lowest points are calculated. In the analysis of research data, t – test, one – wayanalysis of variance (ANOVA) and regression analysis are applied. According to the results of research, organizationalidentity and their level of trust on school are seen to be above the average. From the point of gender variance, there isnot a significant difference, the more they work at schools, the more they trust on school. The increase in the numberof students at school increases the trust on school. Handling all sub dimensions about perceived organization identity,management and teacher are the predictor of trust on school and student and environment are not the predictor of truston school. As a result of the research, in order for schools to have a remarkable identity, it can be suggested thatcultural values of school should be taken into consideration, meetings and some special meals should be made toincrease teachers’ loyalty to school.
关键词:Organizational identity; school; trust; trust on school