摘要:The p urpo se of the stud y was to examine t he effect of empath y develo pmen t pro gram on empathy lev els o f secon d grade elementary sch ool s tudents. The samp le co nsis ted o f 20 (10 experimen t group , 10 control grou p) second grade s tudents from an elemen tary scho ol in Bak.rk. y, Is tanbu l. In the stud y a p retes t -po sttest co ntrol gro up d esig n was ut ilized . The exp erimental gro up t ook 8 s essions emp athy dev elopment prog ram develop ed by th e researchers. Scale of Emp athy for Child ren, d evelo ped by Bryant (1982) and adapted by Yüks el (2003) was u sed for collecting data from both exp erimental and cont rol g roup s. In ord er to determine th e sig nificant differences b etween t he s cores experiment and con trol grou ps, t wo way analysis of v arian ce (A NOVA) was cond ucted. The result s ind icated th at empat hy d evelo pment p rogram in creased the empathy levels' of the students in exp erimental g ro up b ut th ere was n o sig nificant d ifference for the contro l gro up