摘要:Beside technology and computer anxieties, teachers' anxiety t owards use of technology in their courses is an area that needs detailed and further research. The aim o f this study is to develop a scale to measure prospective teachers' anxiety towards use of technology in their courses. For this purpose, educational technology anxiety scale (ETAS) was developed through the data collected from 215 students as prospective teachers at a private university. Factor analysis, interval consistency coefficient, item total correlation coefficients and concurrent validity analysis were realized for the reliability and validity of this scale. Factor analysis was applied for the validity o f the scale (containing 24 items) and the analysis result s indicated that there were five factors explaining the 66.527 % of the total variance in the study. The scale that was developed to measure was found to be valid and reliable. The corrected total item correlations were ranged between 0.92 and 0.70. Also, the results of the t-tests for the item average means of the bottom and top 27% of the groups indicated significant differences between those groups.
关键词:Technology anxiety; computer anxiety; anxiety towards using educational technology; scale ; development