期刊名称:International Journal on Smart Sensing and Intelligent Systems
出版社:Massey University
摘要:Steganography is the act of hiding a message inside another message in such a way that thehidden message can only be detected by its intended recipient. In this paper, we combined twosteganography algorithms namely JSteg and OutGuess algorithms, in order to exploit the beneficialcharacteristics and features of both algorithms to enhance the protection level for secret images. Inour proposed approach, the secret message (image) is first concealed inside another image using JStegalgorithm and the resultant stego-image is further hidden inside a final image using OutGuess 0.1algorithm. In this combine approach, the tricky nature of hiding an already hidden message is usingtwo different algorithms increases the level of difficulty for a third party to suspect the existence of asecret image in the first place or even successful decode the it. Besides that, the priority given to thechoice of a good image size and type in this approach further disguises the secret image and increasesthe chances that the image could go unnoticed. Results after calculating the capacity and PSNR forimages proved that our approach is a good and acceptable steganography system. The model presentedhere is based on JPEG images.
关键词:Transform Domain Technique; Jsteg; OutGuess0.1; MSE ; peak-signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR).