摘要:Diagnostics of students in Physical education is important because of the development of plan and program of the work and monitoring and insight in their current condition. It is clear that individual differences during the growth and development contribute to the variability of functions and abilities of a man and therefore it is important to monitor and assess characteristics and abilities of certain subjects. Morphological characteristics are inevitable segment within the diagnostics of motor skills and very often they are the subject of scientific research. The space of morphological characteristics and motor skills of boys and girls of middle schoolers was analyzed in the paper, with the aim of confirming the differences regarding the sex. 9 variables which defined morphological space (2 variables) and motor space (7 variables) were measured. In data anlysis by the application of T-test we got the results which scientifically explain the differences among students (p<0.05; p<0.01). Only in two variables those differences were statistically significant in favor of boys (AMAS=-0,010*) and (MTR30=0,004**).
关键词:growing up stages; anthropometric characteristics; motor skills; differentiation