摘要:Although there is a long period since the problem of public debt sustainability capturesthe attention of economists, today continues to be no unanimity concerning an adequate uniquesustainability indicator or function generally accepted. Moreover, during the actual period ofglobal crisis and reforming at the EU level of fiscal policy, the debt sustainability has become anextremely important issue. In this line of elaborating new models and improving methodologies inorder to quantify the impact of various factors on public debt sustainability is our study. During itsperiod of pre- and post-accession into EU, and moreover in actual crisis time, Romanianeconomy is facing to a number of dificile problems. Among these, the public debt sustainabilityplays a central role, its implications being practically expanded on all fields connected to theeconomic dynamics. This study is analyzing past and current situation as well as potentialfactors affecting fiscal and public debt sustainability over next period. A descriptive analysis ofthe main fiscal challenges for the the next period is made, focusing in particular on futurebudgetary pressures of sufficient magnitude to affect fiscal sustainability (e.g. pensions). Theforecast takes into account: current fiscal policies as set out in the Fiscal Strategy, projectionsfrom international organizations, certain assumptions and own estimations, etc.