摘要:This study discovers concept and principles to become new theories regardingeducational business, study business theories with regard to educational business format,business planning, strategic management, marketing management, financial management andeducational business ethics. Some educational business success in Indonesia has executed wellby formal and informal organization in university level, study group and courses. This isimplicative scientific development and educational business new theories. Practically thetheories would directive for educational business entrepreneur to have such new business,increasing professional capability in order managing such organization to improve businesssurvival lucratively. Academically, the existence of educational business has creating newscientific chapter. Professional community of educational business is merely a new entity,educational business quality should be responsible academic and professionally. Theeducational faculty and university developing science should not only create educators buteducational business entrepreneur, economy, management master who would have morelucrative future business prospects.
关键词:Education; scientific business; professional business; quality; business ethics