摘要:The paper seeks to study service quality perceptions and expectations for theMoroccan banking customers by using SERVQUAL model. The study consists of a sample of240 respondents out of an initial sample of 300 randomly selected out of the total Moroccanbanking customers. This data were subsequently analysed using descriptive statistics, t-test,factor analysis as well as logistic regression. The results indicate that the perceptions of theMoroccan banking customers far exceed their expectations regarding the five dimensions ofSERVQUAL model, which is a good indication. At the same time, the findings show thatresponsiveness, assurance and empathy are the important dimensions considered by thecustomers while assessing the quality of services rendered by the Moroccan banks. The majorcontribution of the study is that it extends the usage of SERVQUAL model to another contextwhich is that of Morocco, by testing its applicability and also by providing an adjusted scale ofmeasurement of the dimensions in question. The study is also one of the few that have usedSERVQUAL scale to examine service quality perception and expectation in the banking sector.