期刊名称:International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies
出版社:TechScience Publications
摘要:LEACH is the most famous and first hierarchicalrouting protocol in wireless sensor networks (WSN). Manyimproved algorithm based on LEACH have been proposed bymany researchers and in these algorithm improvements ofenergy in certain extent. However an important problem is todetermine the number of clusters present in a network. InLEACH cluster head selection is based on the random generatedby each node in each round and cluster head directly transmitthe data to the sink node so it works on small geographical area.A critical issue in WSNs is represented by limited availability ofenergy within network nodes therefore, making good use ofenergy is mandatory in modeling sensor networks , this paperproposes a multi-hop energy efficient Routing in WSN. Thesimulation results shows that the consumed is less so networklife time increases.
关键词:LEACH; PAN (Personal area network); Percolation;WSN(Wireless sensor Network)