期刊名称:International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies
出版社:TechScience Publications
摘要:The wireless technology is growing continuouslyand a number of applications are developed using the wirelesscommunication methodologies. Among them the wirelesssensor network is one of the most rapidly applicable networkapplications. The sensor nodes are configured in criticalsituations therefore the efficiency is major expectation in thisnetwork. In addition of that the network is simulating the adhoc behaviour therefore the security is also a critical aspect ofthe network. in order to improve the network for performanceand security a number of solutions are available but there arefewer solutions are exist that providing both the security aswell as performance. Therefore in this presented work acryptographic cluster based communication technique isproposed for preventing the network from attackers. Inaddition of that the clustering schemes are help to improve theperformance of network in most optimum manners. Forsecuring the network the cluster network includes theBlackhole and Grayhole attack for detection and prevention.The implementation of the proposed secure technique isperformed using the AODV routing in NS2 (networksimulator 2) environment.