期刊名称:International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies
出版社:TechScience Publications
摘要:sentiment analysis aim to get the underlyingviewpoint of text which could be opinion, online review, movierating comments etc. the aim of this project is to offer bettersentiment text analysis strategy which recognize the polarityof text message including positive, negative, and neutral usingsentiwordnet. The contribution of this paper is use POS(partsof speech) tagger to examine specific prior polarity of text.Polarity analysis has been an important subtask in sentimentanalysis but detecting correct polarity has been a major issues.Polarity enhancers and negations detection effect the overallpolarity in an abnormal way. So we cannot depend on polarityof a particular word alone for accurate results. This paperdiscuss all the possible approaches available for accuratesentiment analysis and also the issues in detecting correctpolarity of a sentence.